  L E B E N S B E R A T U N G______T A R O T - P S Y__K A R T E N
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"ESP" is short for extra-sensory perception. As the name implies, it suggests that you are able to gain knowledge of things and events outside of yourself, and without using your five "normal" senses: taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell. Having ESP is also known as possessing psychic abilities. As a reminder, you scored as being most psychic in the area of Clairvoyande, Telepathy,
Retrocognition & Remote viewing.

Your overall score
Overall, you scored 99 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher than 99% of people who took the ESP Test.

Your score on objective questions
Tickle asked a number of objective questions that have definite right and wrong answers to them. A person randomly guessing on the answers to these questions would normally get at most 1 correct. You got 3 out of 4 correct, which translates to a very strong psychic ability in this area.

Clairvoyance is the ability to know something that is currently taking place without reliance on any of your five senses to obtain that knowledge.


Your overall score
Overall, you scored 99 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher on clairvoyance than 99% of people who took the ESP Test.

Your score on objective questions
Tickle asked a number of objective questions that have definite right and wrong answers to them. A person randomly guessing on the answers to these questions would normally get about 2 correct. You got 5 out of 9 correct, which translates to a very strong psychic ability in this area.

Mental telepathy is the ability to know what another person is thinking or visualizing without being told anything about their inner thoughts. Statistically speaking, telepathy is a relatively more common way to exercise your sixth sense. Perhaps that's because it can be easier to get information by reading another person than by trying to obtain information from things like one does with clairvoyance. In some cases, the connections between people seem to somehow support telepathy.


Your overall score
Overall, on telepathy you scored 99 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher than 99% of people who took the ESP Test.

Your score on objective questions
Tickle asked a number of objective questions that have definite right and wrong answers to them. A person randomly guessing on the answers to these questions would normally get about 1 correct. You got 5 out of 5 correct, which translates to a very strong psychic ability in this area.

Your overall score
Overall, you scored 99 out of 100 on remote viewing, meaning that you scored higher than 99% of people who took the ESP Test.

Your score on objective questions
Tickle asked a number of objective questions that have definite right and wrong answers to them. A person randomly guessing on the answers to these questions would normally get about 1 correct. You got 4 out of 5 correct, which translates to a very strong psychic ability in this area. 

Retrocognition is the ability to look into the past and get information that is not otherwise available to you through one of your five senses. For some people, this information comes spontaneously.

Your overall score
Overall, you scored 97 out of 100, meaning that you scored higher on retrocognition than 97% of people who took the ESP Test.

Your score on objective questions
Tickle asked a number of objective questions that have definite right and wrong answers to them. A person randomly guessing on the answers to these questions would normally get at most one correct. You got 2 out of 4 correct, which translates to a very strong psychic ability in this area.

is the ability to know things ahead of time.


Although ESP has been around for as long as people have existed, rigorous experimental studies were not pursued until the 20th century. Researchers of this phenomenon believe that most people have psychic abilities and that some individuals' abilities are significantly stronger than others.

Doctors J.B. Rhine and Louisa E. Rhine, as husband and wife, were true pioneers in the study of ESP. They set out to evaluate whether ESP really existed. To do so, they learned about the psychic experiences of hundreds, if not thousands, of people during their years at the
Rhine Research Center. This center was designed specifically to pursue scientific understanding of parapsychology, also known as the psychology of psychic experiences. During the formative years of the center, it was a part of Duke University and Dr. J.B. Rhine was the Chairman of the Department of Psychology there. It now operates independently in Durham, NC. Their website is http://www.rhine.org.

Rhines published several books and numerous publications and created the Journal of Parapsychology, still in publication today. While at Duke, Rhine developed an experimental method for testing ESP. One set of experiments led them to believe that the statistical probability that ESP does not exist is 1 in 1,000,000. In all, by 1940, Rhine had performed 33 experiments and almost a million trials, using the most rigorous of scientific methodology to test the presence of ESP. 27 of the 33 studies produced statistically significant results — meaning, that chance alone could not explain the results.

Rhine Center's studies identified several different types of ESP, including clairvoyance, precognition, and telepathy. A meta-analysis combining the results of 309 precognition studies conducted by 62 different experimenters was performed to determine whether in general there is support for ESP. Overall, according to this analysis, the probability that ESP does not exist is .0000000000000000000001%.

There have also been very ingenious ESP experiments performed by others outside of the
Rhine Research Center. One of the most famous examples is the Ganzfeld experiments, led by Daryl J. Bem and Charles Honorton, wherein one subject guessed what another subject was thinking about, in the most controlled of experiments. The Ganzfeld experiment is considered to be among the best experiments ever done in parapsychological research. It is primarily a telepathy test. Separated by distance and enclosed in what amounts to a sensory deprivation room, the experimenters interacting with the subjects knew nothing of what the participants were seeing, and the chances that the experiments were contaminated is extraordinarily low. With dynamic images (meaning that the sender was imagining an event rather than just a static picture), the receiver got 37% of the trials correct. Without ESP, we would expect only 25% of the trials to come out correct.

The magnitude of this result is hard to comprehend, unless you compare it with the results of other studies. For example, in 1994, Bem and Honorton compared the results of their Ganzfeld experiments with the results of a recent medical study that sought to determine whether aspirin can prevent heart attacks. The finding that aspirin can prevent heart attacks was considered to be a medical breakthrough, however, compared to the Ganzfield result, the margin of proof was quite small. Taking aspirin reduces the chances of a heart attack by only .008, which is about 1/3rd - 1/4th the magnitude of the effect found in these psychic experiments.

In sum, the evidence supporting ESP is overwhelming but continues to be debated. Given that so many are averse to believing in ESP, conviction without a doubt is unlikely to be found among skeptics regardless of the number of trials. Ultimately, science can only prove so much, and the human mind, as these studies show, has capabilities so complex and magnificent that we are only starting to understand it.

To create the ESP Test, Tickle's experts took results from ESP research and literature, combined it all, and used it as a basis for creating a test that measured 5 different types of ESP. The test encompassed both objective (right or wrong) and subjective (the test taker reports their own personal experiences) questions. Before finalizing the test's questions, Tickle first did a survey of thousands of respondents to gather questions that most reliably assessed ESP. The strongest questions were amassed to form the ESP Test. To learn more about ESP and the sources for the ESP Test, Tickle's research team recommends the following:

Bem, D. J. & Honorton, C. (1994). Does Psi Exist? Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 115, No. 1, 4-18.

Rhine, J. B., Pratt, J.G.; Smith, B.M., Stuart, C. E., & Greenwood, J. A. (1966). Extra-Sensory Perception after Sixty Years. Holt: New York, 1940; Humphries: Boston, 1966.

Rhine, L. (1961). Hidden Channels of the Mind. William Morrow and Company,
New York.

Steering Committee of the Physicians' Health Study Research Group. (1988). Preliminary report: Findings from the aspirin component of the ongoing Physicians' Health Study.
New England Journal of Medicine
, 318, 262-264.

Schlitz, M. J., & Honorton, C. (1992). Ganzfeld psi performance within an articistically gifted population. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 86, 83-98.

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  Fu: Die Wiederkehr,
Auf eine dunkle und düstere Zeit folgt immer das Licht, nun kannst du daher einer neuen Phase des Wiederauflebens entgegentreten. Dies ist der richtige Moment um wieder aufzuleben und einen neuen Weg einzuschlagen, ohne Eile. Es wird keine Hindernisse geben, die deinen Weg zum Erfolg behindern könnten.

Das Leben ist verschleiert, sogar verborgen,

aber wenn das Leben beginnt zu sprechen,

werden alle Winde Wörter;

und wenn man noch mehr spricht,
werden das Lächeln eurer Lippen
und die Tränen eurer Augen auch Wörter.

und wenn dann das Leben singt,
finden die Stummen und die Tauben
Wort und Gehör wieder;

und wenn es sich sanft nähert,
sehen es die Blinden und folgen ihm,
mit Erstaunen und Bewunderung erfüllt.

„Der Wind lässt die Stürme und die Wellen hochschlagen -

doch wenn du ihm keine Energie mehr gibst -

glätten sich
die Wogen und es wird ganz still „

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